Divan Genel Müdürlük

Divan Genel Müdürlük


Location | Istanbul

Year | 2018

Status | Built

Built Area | 1100 sqm

Today’s business world is characterised by a mix of coorpation, interaction, connectivity and communication. Instead of providing static rooms, our offices and meeting areas should offer more versatile and adaptive areas that adress the employees needs. As our design approach for Divan Camlica Office Project, we followed the architectural language which directly linked Divan’s strong brand identity. Within this frame, the requirements of the departments are provided. Office space in the design aimed to use maximum day light while the closed office blocks are planned in the middle part of the volume. To benefit from ceiling height, the office ceiling is designed as an open ceiling. The mass effect of the closed volumes is aimed to focus on the design by strenghening with wooden coating. Intend to create modern, cozy lobby that gives welcoming feeling. Wooden panels used a part of ceiling and the wall where will be corporate identity emphasized. Inner garden’s landscape will be part of design. Lobby area serve as circulation area between department of administiration to HR department and office areas. The colours of Divan branches are used in different zones of the office area as a part of design whereas successfully used to create a powerful brand identity.

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